Selma Hortense Burke, a renowned African American artist whose talent transcended boundaries, is the focus of a groundbreaking new book that sheds light on her extraordinary life and career. Written by L. Melissa Smith, “Graven Images: An In-Depth Chronicle of the Life of Prolific Artist Selma Hortense Burke” offers a compelling narrative that delves into Burke’s journey, revealing previously undisclosed aspects of her personal and professional life.

About Selma

Born in the small Southern town of Mooresville, North Carolina, Burke defied societal norms and racial barriers to become a prolific artist of her time. While her artistic contributions are widely recognized, the book unveils intriguing details about her personal life, including her marriages and divorces, which have remained largely unknown until now.

Burke’s belief that her bas relief portrait of President Franklin D. Roosevelt was plagiarized to create the iconic Roosevelt Dime is a central theme explored in the book. Despite her relentless pursuit of recognition for her work, she faced numerous challenges, including the alleged appropriation of her art by U.S. Mint Chief Engraver John Sinnock.

One of the most astonishing revelations in “Graven Images” is the discovery of Burke’s previously undisclosed marriage to a man who remained unnamed until now. And, contrary to her claim of widowhood in 1955, a “dead” husband was found to be alive until 1966, residing in another country with a new wife. The book also addresses longstanding speculation regarding Burke’s marriage to Harlem Renaissance pioneer Claude McKay in 1935. These revelations add a new layer of complexity to Burke’s personal history, and the intricacies of her relationships.

About the Author

L. Melissa Smith, a native of Selma Burke’s hometown of Mooresville, North Carolina, is a journalist and librarian, and was a student of Geneva Burke Miller, a sister of Selma Burke. Smith’s curiosity about Mooresville’s most famous citizen led her to delve into the life of Burke, resulting in this groundbreaking book.


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